Rio Grande Medicine

Dear Patients

我们里奥十大正规网赌软件中心的医生和工作人员希望借此机会欢迎您来到我们的办公室. As your providers of health care, we look forward to serving you. We hope that together, 我们可以建立一个关系,将确保您得到最高质量的护理和服务.

In order to maximize your benefits, it is very important that you familiarize yourself with the systems, policies and benefits outlined in this section. Our courteous staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

我们里奥十大正规网赌软件(RGM)正在努力使医疗安全成为优先事项. 你作为病人可以发挥作用,使你的护理安全成为一个积极的, involved informed member of your health care team.

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Office visits are meant to protect your health safety, 确保您的治疗有效,并检查您的药物是否有任何副作用. 你具体的健康需求将决定你去诊所的频率. Once you and Dr. Saviñon determine your wellness needs, 所有的药物都将根据下次预约的门诊来开. 补药(链接到补药)将根据就诊频率进行.

Frequency of Office visits:
  • Wellness / annual visit
  • Frequency of visits may vary depending on medical necessity
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Always call 9-1-1 in case of an emergency. 如果你有紧急情况,我们的电话是(956)421-2757. 当您在非工作时间拨打电话时,我们的应答服务将找到您的医生/提供者. 请清楚扼要地说明你的问题的性质和紧急程度, and the physician on call will get in touch with you as soon as possible. Physical exam needed for diagnosis is missing in telephone medicine. 医生可能要求到办公室或急诊室就诊.

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Medication Reconciliation

Please bring all of your medications to all your office visits, if not a complete list of all medications will be acceptable. The list should include over the counter medications when appropriate, 服用的剂量和频率以及任何自然疗法或草药产品.

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Refills and Medicine Policy

During your office visit, Dr. Saviñon will refill your medications. 跟踪检查这些药物的进展非常重要. There are instances when you can not attend to your office visit. In such cases contact our office for arrangements.

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Diabetics and Hypertensives

我们要求所有有家用血糖仪或家用血压监测仪的糖尿病和高血压患者按照医生的指示在家中记录血糖和血压, and to bring in the logs for review at each clinic visit. This will help in the management of these conditions.

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Patient Rights

  1. You have the right to be treated with respect, consideration and dignity.
  2. You have the right to high quality medical care delivered in a safe, timely, efficient and cost effective manner.
  3. 您有权得到保证,预期结果是可以合理预期的.
  4. You have the right to privacy to the extent possible.
  5. 您有权要求我们对信息披露和记录进行保密处理,并在法律要求的情况下有所期待, 未经您的批准,这些披露和记录将不会发布。请参阅我们的隐私惯例通知,了解我们如何保护您的医疗记录的更多细节. You can find the privacy notices posted in the front waiting area.
  6. You have the right to be provided, to the degree known, compete information concerning your diagnosis, evaluation, treatment and prognosis.
  7. 你有权以象征性的费用获得你的医疗记录的副本, if you request it, 这些记录将及时转交给其他执业医师.
  8. 您有权被告知所有合理的护理和/或治疗方案,以及在办公室或其他门诊机构进行手术的潜在优势和替代方案.
  9. 您有权参与有关您的护理的各个方面的决定.
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Patient Responsibilities

  1. 您有责任准确和完整地向所有临床人员提供他们需要的健康信息,包括您正在服用的任何药物.
  2. 你有责任听从护士或医生关于饮食和/或药物的指示.
  3. 您有责任避免使用任何没有给您开处方的药物,并且您没有告诉我们的护士或医生.
  4. 你有责任在护士或医生的指导下戒酒.
  5. 如果您不明白任何指示或不了解为您计划的治疗过程,您有责任通知护士或医生.
  6. 您有责任及时支付所有没有争议的医疗费用,并将您从任何保险公司收到的任何款项转给我们.
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Patient Education (helpful links)

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Complaint Resolutions

We at Rio Grande Medicine Inc. strive to provide you with excellent quality care. We highly believe in changes to improve, and welcome an opportunity to listen to your suggestions and complaints. Please contact our office manager, Sal Green, at 956-427-7812 or via email at: to get further information on complaint resolutions policy. 如果您的担忧没有得到解决,您可以拨打956-421-2757联系您的医生.

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We have two patient assigned parking areas for your convenience. The South and the North of the building. The South entrance to the building is equipped with Automatic Doors. The building wheelchair ready. 一楼、二楼和三楼有公共卫生间. Our office is on the second floor suite # 205.

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Involvement In Your Healthcare

Everyone has a role in making healthcare safe. 我们的医生、护士和技术人员正在努力使您的医疗安全成为优先事项. You, as a patient, can play a vital role in making your care safe by becoming an active, involved and informed member of your healthcare team. So SPEAK UP.

S -如果你有任何问题或担忧,大声说出来,如果你不明白,再问一遍.
P -注意你正在接受的护理、治疗和药物.
E – Educate yourself about your diagnosis and your treatment plan.
A – Ask a trusted family member or companion to be your advocate.
K – Know what medications you take and shy you take them.
U – Use a healthcare facility that provides quality care.
P – Participate in all decisions about your treatment.

Webview Patient Portal Signup


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Hospital Care

Dr. Savinon and Dr. 兰德罗在山谷浸信会医疗中心和哈林根医疗中心享有特权.

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Complete/Annual Physical Exams Policy

我们强烈建议所有患者定期进行全面体检(年度筛查/预防性检查), etc.) every 1-2 years. 这是你的责任,以核实你的保险将报销预防性访问,如果你安排这样. 请注意,一些保险公司通常不包括预防性就诊(医疗保险) & some Blue Cross plans especially). For more information contact our billing department at 956-427-7814.

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Treatment of Minors

Dr. Saviñon is an internist; internal medicine physicians treat patients 18 years old and older.

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Lab Results

如果您进行了实验室工作,请期待电话通知您的结果. 除非您另有说明,否则实验室工作结果也可以寄到您的家庭住址.

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Results – Other Studies

医生会自动要求患者到办公室检查心电图/核磁共振成像/CAT扫描结果. Saviñon or Mari Bloomquist, F.N.P

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Abnormal Results

Abnormal results (blood test, X光或任何其他检查)最好由医生亲自报告.

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Patient Privacy

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Front Desk: 956-421-2757 (8:00 am to 6:30 pm)